Wednesday Wonder

It is cold and snowy out. I am so glad I drove to Terrace yesterday and not today! Conditions change so quickly on a day like this- though as I write this, I also realize that those of you in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island are having some local blizzard conditions- and at least we are ready for it!
Wednesdays are the day I get to visit our local high school to provide a parenting class for students who are also parents or pregnant. We did an exercise today in Positive Thinking, answering a series of questions based on how we feel about ourselves. The young women had some very thoughtful responses and it got me to thinking about how I see me. What do I like about me? We want for our children to feel good about themselves and to see the world from a point of view where they feel loved and valued. What have I done to establish this in my own children? I know I have failed this many times, but once again, am glad to know grace! I really like who my young adults are becoming. My twelve year old is finding success in his outdoor pursuits. He and a friend snare rabbits, go snowboarding in the park, build forts and jumps for trick boarding. I like that he is finding value in success that does not have to do with what others' perception of him might be. I also realize many of us only find value in others' opinions. Our value is firmly in our position in Jesus Christ and what He has done for us- how cool is that?
My joy this week will be teaching a prenatal class on Saturday. Meeting together, sharing the information needed for this journey to motherhood and celebrating birth- I love it! I go into the day carrying with me several women in my heart who have given me information, encouragement and tips for making this day one to look forward to. You know who you are!!
Tomorrow will be a tough day for our family. We have to do something none of us wants to do, but we need some clear direction for one of our valued family member's future, so we will do all that it takes to make sure this is the best decision possible. We will support one another and care for one another through this dark valley- and would value prayer support and words of encouragement as we go.
Half way through the week- I hope yours is going well!!
~With my gratitude~


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