Matthew From the End
This morning provided lots of food for thought through those messengers chosen. Music connected well with words, reaching deep into the heart. Truth seeking, fishers of men, vessels being used willingly in their imperfection. So much encouragement for this imperfect vessel! Teaching through the Gospel Message, Jesus gave us example after example to follow- words, yes, but also action that can be put into effect. Growing deeper into the heart of Our Beloved, we become more and more alike, not unlike couples who have spent many years together, growing more alike in word and deed and even looks. How deep the Fathers love for us, that He would so willingly share His Own Son! Can we help but be drawn in?
Quietness is still pervading this home. Quietness borne out of anger and disappointment and fear. The Fathers love draws up deeply and shows us how to do so in kind. I needed that example!
Quietness is still pervading this home. Quietness borne out of anger and disappointment and fear. The Fathers love draws up deeply and shows us how to do so in kind. I needed that example!
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