Fabulous Friday

Wind like a freight train has been driving itself outside all day long. Arctic outflow they call it. I call it cold! It is -17C plus a huge windchill. Pumping gas in town today, I couldn't believe it- and don't you know, those pumps sure do slow down when it's cold out!  But it is Friday! I spent some time today preparing for the prenatal class tomorrow. My day started with a visit to a lovely little momma I am working with. Lovely too to see her fears calm down and have some great questions answered by a very caring doctor. Once again, I feel blessed to do what I do where I do it! In the mood for birthing and so on, I headed into work to prep for tomorrow's class. My personal preparation for this class has been in the edit process since September- so many new tricks to try, so many new ways to teach, so much to be excited about. Birth, my passion, is taking over!! And I am so happy about that! I have spent some time this week talking with my lovely friend, the one who is a midwife waiting to take the course. It puts me in mind of caring, compassion and how amazing it is, such a gift, to be a Lifegiver, a woman.
When I think of women I would like to emulate, my grandma always comes to mind. For me, she was my mentor, my friend. In fact, two grandmas were. One was creative- sewing, creating, baking and making something often out of not much at all. She had the most generous spirit. The other was an intellectual. She took time, was a patient teacher. Her creativity came out in paintings and music. What a blessing to have had each of them gift my life. My friend would say it is her mother who has made an impact on her. her mother is a pray-er, a gentle voice of reason. Tonight, speaking with her on the phone, my friend shared her mother's impending frailty, something we all share now, those of us in this generation, where we have aging parents and children leaving the home nest. It is such a tricky time, one that reminds us to keep short accounts, daily taking ourselves to task and making sure we tell those we love that we do!
I think too of another friend, one who has made being a mother her passion, her reason. She is gentle, caring and a wonderful example to her grown- and nearly grown- daughters. She will be a mother that daughters- in- law will have a tough time measuring up to! this gift of life, this miracle, this calling- Lifegiver. I am so grateful that I have been called for this purpose. What is your calling? What is your purpose? Do you have anyone that is your mentor or role model? I hope someday to be worthy enough of that for someone- how beautiful!


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