My Computer

Amazing. Twenty years ago, who thought a person would sit with a personal computer on their lap, typing while watching TV- or listening to the radio, or sitting in their favourite chair, or all of the above! But these conveniences also give me a huge headache. Having spent the past 26 years taking care of colds, flu bugs, ear aches and other maladies in my children, I have been grateful for our medical system, for the doctors' knowledge and for our health care insurance. Now I deal with viruses and nasty things like that on my computer! They cost big bucks, it is totally another language that I don't understand and I have to trust that the tech knows what to do with my precious machine, the one that holds so much of my information, including this blog!
The one who took care of it this time has restored files to me that have been missing since October- this is just awesome! A new inbox set up that makes sense, pictures I thought were lost AND all my email addresses. That has to be one of the biggest problems with needing recovery work done- I end up losing all my contacts! So, here we are, they are intact and once again, I am grateful.
This day has been a bit of a slow day for me- I have been fighting some sort of virus or something myself! A headache and upset tummy tell me I may have a bit of what Baby Boy shares with us. It felt like a soup sort of day, so I did just that. I created a wonderful Curried Vegetable soup, served with open faced grilled cheese on foccacia bread. It was good, even if I am not feeling up to par. Funny how soup works that way!
What makes you feel well? Depending on what is the issue for me, upset tummy or what have you, I choose custard or soup. Eggs help reset the system after an upset,
I want to go into the next week feeling on top of my game. We have some difficult moments ahead of us in this week, days that will take all of our mental acuity and strength and test our strength as a family. I am once again grateful that we have such a terrific strong family, one that blesses me each and every day adn reminds me that fighting cancer with all I have was a very good idea!


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