
Thursdays are the busiest day of the week for me. We run our program on Thursdays and today, I think we had about 50-55 for lunch there. That is definitely proof of its success- but at the same time, it is overwhelming from time to time. Today, I missed the morning due to another commitment, so the afternoon felt even more intense!
My commitment this morning gave me some understanding of what it is like to feel powerless at a time when truth would unleash that power. Knowing the world sees truth by a measure that is not standardized, it makes me fearful for where our children and grandchildren will find truth, should they ever need it. Truth sets a person free, does not cast someone into bondage. I have, for my whole 50 years, set my store on the biblical standard of truth. Our country was founded on this truth and our laws and governance were set up on it once upon a time. Over the years, we have watched the erosion of this standard- and I am not sure I have done much to stand up for it! I know with certainty that I can't take truth for granted. Today and from this point on, I know I will value truth even more deeply and may find myself fighting for it like I never have before.
Have you noticed truth changing? Is that even possible? Can truth be subjective? One thing I know, I can stand on the promises that God gave us in His Word- they NEVER change!


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