
A blank page. A busy mind. Burning issues, fingers itching to type-- all good so far! What I CAN'T believe is that I haven't posted for over 3 years. SO MUCH--so very very much-- has happened in that time!
When I last posted, I have two grandchildren. Now I have six! When I last posted, I lived in Hazelton. We then moved to Stewart, sold our FAMILY home, moved back to Hazelton and now? We live in Kitwanga! KITWANGA! We lived here in 1986--and here we have come, a circle we never thought we would close!
But what is burning, what is making my mind busy? I am becoming. One thing I never understood when I was young is, I would continue to 'become'. As I 'mature' (read: age) I find myself finding a focus. A narrowing of field, broadening of mind, deepening of understanding. I like who I am becoming! Sadly, it took over 55 years to LIKE myself, though that in itself is part of that 'becoming', too.
Wisdom Years: quite the title. Since I have had white hair for the past nearly 8 years, I am allowing myself to be: wise, Allowing myself to be: a mentor. Allowing myself to be: used for this. I have always thought of wisdom as a combination of experience and knowledge, which, when they are combined with insight and foresight and hindsight, allowed to age and mature, they become wisdom in a full sense. I notice a clarity, a depth, a patience with some that I haven't always experienced. It seems fitting that I am now a doula trainer, a childbirth educator, a breastfeeding supporter along with a student of herbalism, specifically with women's health in mind. It just somehow fits. it fits with that focus, that mentorship, that usefulness. I am so willing to be USED!
So, in this first post of 2018, I won't use up all the space with the things burning in my head. But I will do this: I resolve to post with more frequency. I resolve to use this place as a space to support women in their walk- to health, to motherhood, to wisdom of their own.
My own foundation is on Christian values and principles. It is where my wisdom is solid and supported, where I find refuge and connection to my own spirit. So much of what I do is about the body and emotional and physical wellbeing but, for me, it is important that I root in my CREATOR, He Who created me with purpose and value.
So, welcome to 2018. What will this year hold for you? What purpose? What new adventures? What freedom? What joy? How will you refresh, replenish, recreate, renew? I am excted to see what this year holds!


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