Monday Magic

Gratitude- the reason for this blog, the substance of me! I yearn towards thankfulness, seeing it as a positive aspect of life and one to strive toward. In many areas of my life, I have missed being thankful, instead turning toward criticism and thoughtless comments. I grew up in this kind of place, one where striving toward excellence meant never giving a person credit for something well done, but instead criticising, hoping to produce a finer quality. I see how this has a positive effect in some ways, never making one satisified with status quo but making one introspective. Overall, the effect for me has been that I am always looking for approval from others. I am still waiting for approval from my parents for things I did 30 years ago- and one thing I know, I want my own children to know when they have done well! My list today is going to reflect that very thing- especially because I know one thing, I am a really good mom, I have done that job well!
  • my hard working son, who looks for physical work that suits his choices
  • my nesting girl, who loves making her house a home.
  • my adult children's love of children!
  • my momma daughter, who makes wise choices and is consistent and caring
  • my young chef, who is creative and passionate about life and does not fear letting others know what matters to her
  • my chosen son, who is a good friend to others
  • the passion that overflows to finding employment to reflect it
  • the love and respect for life at every stage
  • husbands' hard work on behalf of his students
  • looking to make a difference through employment choices, by choosing work that reflects personal values
  • trying to make a difference!
  • Our awesome God, Who has designed us, given us gifts and passions and the opportunity to share that as all joy.
Just taking time to write this list makes me feel good! It reminds me what is important- and not to take anything for granted. I think that is one of the most importnat lessons for me in this grateful heart.
With my thanks ~


  1. You are an awesome mom and the best mom I know!! I am so grateful for you and how much you care about each of us:) I love you for your support for each of us kids and our unique decisions in life even though they may not be the best decisions at the time. Thank-you for loving us all unconditionally.


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