Baby, It's Cold Outside

The header picture is entirely appropriate. The snow is piled higher and deeper than ever. A breeze has knocked the snow out of the trees, though, and the sun is shining weakly through the clouds above. The mountain top is obscured in the clouds as well, creating a sense of a warm cloud duvet above. Unfortunately, the duvet is not a warm one, rather one of super cold as we plummet past -19C. The breeze is gently strumming in the wind chimes outside my kitchen window and I am sitting at my kitchen table with mukluks on. This is a good place to be with the weather out there.
My favourite blog- the one that both convicts and encourages me- has challenged me to add joy to my gratitude. I have enjoyed this, noticing that 'enjoy' encompasses joy. Each day, I find myself become more aware of what I am grateful for and how that in turn promotes joy. Relationships grate less, give more. The little things become the important things. And I notice, with some discomfort, when others I hold in esteem are critical or negative, that I want to correct the behaviour, to bring a not-so-gentle reproach. A gentle answer turns away wrath. I know a reproach that borders on correction would not be helpful, but what can I do instead? I have noticed that if joy and gratitude are living in my heart, those issues that want to plague me are more easily replaced with an attitude of grace. I want that grace to be evident to all! All needs to start at home and move out from there. So, I will continue to pray, that my words will be sweet and my heart remain pure in purpose.
Do you have those people in your life? The ones you want to hold in respect, but continue to challenge you at the core? What is your solution? How do you handle it?
Today, with gratitude in my heart, I will find the joy, look for it. I will continue to be challenged by this blog, A Holy Experience and it's gentle-spoken author, Ann Voskamp. I will let it challenge me to my core, where I need it most. I need to practice the gift of encouragement, to allow it to flourish as I count all the joy in my heart, in my life. Mrs. Voskamp encourages us to list 3 ways we witnessed happiness today.

  1. A son teasing his mother, with kindness and love underneath, rippling through.
  2. My man enjoying a warm morning snuggle with his sleep-tousled wife before he left for work.
  3. Sharing talents and gifts, a quick lesson in using power point to encourage and teach others.
After a long visit with a longtime friend last night, today has been about counting blessings, about considering it all joy. Visiting with a friend and her son today, sharing coffee and goodies, talents and gifts, wisdom and practice, I have been once again challenged by the grace that awaits me. Free gift that it is, such a joy to experience with gratitude in my heart.


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