Weekends are for Connecting

Once again, I remain impressed by the wonderful post at Holy Experience. Her cadence and rhythm fill her words with a magical air that haunts my thought, my heart. Find the link beside this post.
Today, my lover and I will go away. We will have about 24 hours just to connect, to reconnect after months of busyness filling our lives. We will go away to a large log lodge an hour away, in a beautiful valley that is surrounded by snow and trees, masked in a forested landscape where there is no phone, no demands, just a perfect place to wander, to snowshoe, to ski, to relax! He is preparing for the biggest comprehensive exam of his life, taking four years of learning and writing it out on paper. His days are filled with teaching, preparation for this work and with exam preparation. His days are long and they are isolated from friends and family. This weekend will be about reconnecting. We will not talk of legal trials, of water pumps, of finances or of pre-teen troubles. We will share each other with each other, enjoying someone else's cooking, enjoying God's creation, sharing hearts.
Our love story travels back nearly 30 years. We met under the canopy of trees at camp, a place of refuge and rest, of song and reflection. Our hearts connected soon after we met and we knew we would someday vow to remain together until death separates us. Our vows were shared before many, more than a quarter century past. We have grown a family, grown a marriage, grown more alike. We have shared life, we have shared death and we have become more intimate than we ever thought possible. We have watched our family grow, our children become adults, watched them make choices that will in turn impact their whole lives. We have watched the next generation of our family start to grow, with hopes and dreams of so much more. We have faced sickness, faced financial trouble, faced life's toughest decisions together. But that is the word- together. We have done all of this together, this journey called life, called marriage.
We leave behind the well troubles, a house with no water. We leave behind our pre-teen, his very capable caregiver and the stresses of day to day life. We leave behind the every day and step into the weekend, ready to be.
I remain more grateful than ever.


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