Wednesday's World

What a weird day! It started out to be one of those days, I guess, one to follow the likes of yesterday. With no water in the house, my husband and the twelve year old went off to the high school after breakfast to shower. Coffee happened today, since I had some cold water in the house, unlike yesterday morning. My coffee maker likes a cold water start! We were really glad to have the coffee and I headed out to work as the morning simmered along. My momma-girl came to the office later in the morning with her lovely son so she could make use of our printer and photocopier and while she worked, we found out we had a really important date. This date was to be at 2 this afternoon and we were to go it alone, without the lovely boy at our side. With the very gracious help of a very gracious friend, off we went to fight battles that we didn't ask for. The battles were fought with valour and courage and we came back to find a very happy wee boy.
Arriving home to our water still out, not thrilled. Knowing that the plumber and the appliance guy were coming at 5--well, go figure! Apparently we need a new well pump, unfortunately. That is one of those unexpected expenses that we just could not anticipate. No water, wonder when this will be done?
So, that is Wednesday's world. Battles fought, some won, some lost. No fun, but this is what life works like!
I can still find gratitude for the battles won and I am still grateful that we have a place that we can call our own, even to the point of having to replace our well pump! God is gracious.
I was also struck by the timely words of Ann Voskamp today, at the blog called A Holy Experience. Find it to the side of this one and please, read it. She has a lovely way with words and blesses the heart!


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