Terrific Tuesday

Busy day today- with tiredness pervading! I thought I was going to work for an hour or two--and ended up coming home 7 1/2 hours later! But I love what i do, so that part wasn't so bad! We had a wonderful Scotch Broth for dinner, perfect for this winter day. The snow may have quit for a bit, but we have lots of it! I can't even get in my driveway. The soup, or what is left of it, is in several jars bound for the freezer. Even on a busy day like this, I can still enjoy making enough food to put some away. It is one of the days I am glad I can't figure out how to cook for four or five!
After yesterday's birthing high, there are two more lovely mommas labouring, ready to make the journey to the new family. Tonight, the miracle will be theirs and life will continue, Lifegivers will be born! In one case, a new grandma will also be made! I have news of new life growing within a friend's deep desire for children- and am continuing to pray that God will bless her with this and through this!
My grandson is dancing and singing with his momma. They continue to bless me, to make life around our home lose dullness, bring simple things to life and shine. Within the common and mundane, excitement and joy are created. We are so blessed!


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