Monday is for Counting

My wee grandson, who also just happens to be my favourite grandson at this point, was looking at my shirt. "Froggies, Nana?" Then, upon closer inspection, "ABCB!!" He is starting to note the printed words, calling it ABCB's. Pretty cute, I tell ya! He came to breakfast a bit cranky today, but left giggling and goofy. He has fun and is such a tease! He is so enjoyable, gives us reasons to be grateful in each and every day. So, Monday is for counting:
~duvets, blessed warmth during a windstorm
~delicious coffee to wake up to
~more babies coming, plans to make, joy in abundance
~tied blankets, the warmth they bring
~two year old artistic renditions of moon and stars ( I love you to the moon and back, as many as the stars...)
~painted handprints (or himps) to remind us of these days, many years from now.
~bundles of laundry, mountains to climb today, telling me we have plenty, even when there is no water to wash them with at home.
~my place of work, where I am blessed by women and babies, plans to be made and funding to be accounted for, where we are all about birth
~my place of work, where I can have all the water I need, laundry done, hair under control :)
~decisions about what dinner will be- because I can decide and plan, bountiful.
~hearts still stuck on the window, reminding us of love, that love resides here.
~chimes ringing in the substantial winds
~knowing we are loved, that the Holy Spirit lives here and loves each of us, like the wind outside, the hearts on the window.
I am grateful for work, to help out with taking care of our home, that our son may be starting to plant trees on this wet coast we have, that he will be able to work despite constant pain. I am grateful we have choices, choices about friends, about work, about values and character. I am grateful that I have some amazing children, unique and gifted and special to me!


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