True and Trusted Friends

Spontaneous days, filled with friendship and laughter, trust and respect.

A friend calls and makes an invitation to join her for the day and I accept.
We drive and chat, chat and drink coffee, chat and shop for household items and groceries and building materials.

 And the day is lovely, a special gift.
We share children's successes and trials, talk about schooling and housing and dating and grandbabies and all that matters.

Lunch goes by so quickly and yet it is a lingering time.
Grocery shopping is fun and I am a sherpa, with no Everest in sight.
Yet we mount our battles and share our struggles and our triumphs.

Friendship takes investment, time and consideration. Friendship is not something that always comes easily, yet it is so worthwhile. The investment provides dividends for a lifetime.
Some of my friendships span 30 years, some 20, some 10 and some just a few.
Each is an investment of time and trust, of vulnerability and victories shared.
      Each has a commonality, whether childrens' ages, values shared or common passions.

Each of my friends is someone I care deeply about and I am so grateful for each one.


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