A Grateful Heart

Praise the Lord, Who reigns in beauty, praise the Lord Who reigns with wisdom and with power~ He can make a perfect heart. This song out of the 1980's still resonates. I remember the singer, the times of our college chorale, the times of thought and meditation. Almost 30 years later, I look for a perfect heart, seek after it every day and am satisfied with a grateful heart.
Complaints of all kinds crowd in from every side. Complaints about food, or people, or situations or simply unchangeables such as looks. I am reminded that gratitude crowds out complaint! So today? i choose gratitude:
~ for the snow that reminds me we are washed clean through Jesus' blood
~ for new friends and passions shared
~ for young friends and, once again, passions shared!
~ going through old family photos, memories shared and renewed
~ for things past and present and what the future holds
~ for puppy dog kisses, butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses and little boy love.
~ a long hard road, determination and discipline, paying rich dividends
~ seeds sprouting in a daughters garden and her dreams
~ plans put into action, dreams of schooling and plans to get there
~ plenty of work in a field of dreams
~ conflict as a lesson in personalities and how to work with people despite differences
~ joy in the outdoors, beauty all around, squirrels at play and birds in bushes
I am really enjoying this list and how it is growing! It reminds me that I have less to complain about and more to be grateful for. And that is how I roll!!


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