A New Week

Sitting here at a borrowed computer, I think about my lonely laptop, suffering from a virus. As  momma, I am the one who nurses those viruses that enter my home, give hot tea and comfort to those who need it. I have learned to make a mean chicken soup- which is both good for the body and the spirit. But this virus is insidious, one I seem to be helpless to do anything about. It has me thinking about influences, ones I seem helpless against. When my kids were little, we did what we could to keep them protected and safe, both physically and spiritually. We taught them well, surrounded them with friends and family who loved Jesus the very same way we did. We lived so wide open! When God led us into full time ministry, we had not yet completed our family- and what a ride that has been! I think back on times when we had no money, but open hearts, ready to give from what we still did have. Our cupboards were never empty, our home was always warm. Our friends were welcome at all times.
So, where am I going with this? Well, I think it is simply a pondering pathway, a place that I go back to, to remember and realize how blessed I have been! My children are all grown now, starting their own adult lives and families and I think about the influence that their early lives will have on them as they choose their own traditions, their own homes, partners, faith. As I sit back from my position as coach, I watch missed passes, fumbles and plays- but also, touchdowns, field goals and simply yardage beyond what I ever expected! I find myself watching some of the plays with concern- but then being surprised by something amazing, beyond my hopes or expectations! And God blesses. I know my prayerful heart, the one where I am cultivating gratitude will be blessed by the unexpected each and every day. And I can't wait to share it!
So, the countdown to Christmas is here. Today we will bake some more, tidy here and there and make a plan or two. We will have company over the next couple of days for dinner or dessert. We started the weekend with a staff Christmas party here- always great to get together with those you hold close and make some time with them count! Last night was a wonderful evening of music at a local church- how lovely to gather together and praise. My biggest hope this season is to make each moment count for something- the people I speak to, the meals I make, the time I take with those I love. I will miss having my older two children home, but that is so much of how this post started today-thinking about traditions and family and faith and growing up- the point is, I love seeing who they have become! I look forward to hearing how the first turkey dinner went, how brother and sister connect in her home, how they continue on with traditions that matter to them and how they forge their own new ones.

 Let me know about traditions you keep, ones you have forged on your own, recipes you can't live with out or just leave a comment below.
With a grateful heart

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