More musings

Traditions. What to keep, what to continue, what to delete. Tonight, over a wonderful dinner with a friend, we discussed family. Family near and far. Christmas this year will be quiet around here without our older children- yet, we have watched with excitement as our grandson listens and answers questions while we walk through the weeks of advent with the wreath and a story. This story- One Wintry Night, by Ruth Bell Graham_ has been read numerous times in our home as our kids have grown up. The illustrations are exquisite and the story is similar to following the Jesse Tree tradition. The 12 year old asks for more to be read every day- and I love that he is not too old, nor the 2 year old too young to enjoy the magic of an excellent story!
We also had goodies tonight. Today I made Dilly Party Mix, dark chocolate with candy cane, white chocolate with cranberries and 2 trays of peanut brittle. Tomorrow, probably homemade Irish Cream! We enjoyed cookies sent to us from Comox on our tray, along with ginger shortbread and spritz cookies. These are the traditions I want to keep- not so much about the gifts, but the connections! I would love to hear about your family's traditions, recipes, what you have decided to keep!
I also had visits today with two of my mommas-in-waiting. I am to be a doula again this spring, something I am realizing how much I treasure! To be a part of someone's most intimate moment, the birth of their child- what a gift, a magical moment and one not to be taken lightly. I will continue to study for my Lamaze exam in April- especially now that my wonderful friend has completed hers with flying colours! I can only hope to do half as well as she has! So much to be thankful for, so many reasons to praise!


  1. Judi, thanks for calling me your wonderful friend...I so appreciate our are an inspiration to me and I know you will do even better on your exam. On another note my family is not so into the Christmas cookies but I usually make some kind of chocolate bark every year. Last year's was dark chocolate with dried cherries..YUM and with all those antioxidants justifiably nutritious too.


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