Boxing Day Crowds

Today we went to find ourselves a Boxing Day crowd. We love visiting with people- it's what makes the holiday extra special! So, out we went to Bear Claw Lodge, where we had a lovely snow filled afternoon with friends who feel like family. Always great to connect with folks, to share love and laughter, traditions and food! My man skied and sledded along with the 12 year old- and there was skating and pond hockey, snowmobiling and of course, a potluck of delicious food!
What do you do on Boxing Day? Some years we have hosted our own open house, others, just a day like today. And do you have a favourite turkey leftover recipe to share?? I am thinking of making turkey quesadilla tomorrow- I will let you know how that turns out.
Crowds. All a part of Christmas time. Crowded homes, crowded stores- crowded churches?


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