Friday's Fragments..

Once again, the blog brain is feeling fragmented, wandering everywhere. Today was busy, chasing down answers, putting a class together, celebrating a new baby in a large family. I am feeling much more settled with the answers I have been given to questions which have been looming and disturbing me for some time. Calm is descending when I think of how answers have been given to a puzzle in our life, one that has been here for a few months now, really one that has been gradually growing for years. I feel like there is peace. This peace brings joy!
The class tomorrow brings some challenges of its own, one where I am teaching to those who know the content, but are willing to bear with me as I bring a new light and focus into it. I love learning about birth and find myself learning new things every time I do a class. This in itself is part of the joy of the challenge, where I can sit back and take stock after the day is done. Before that can happen, I will be working to put 12 hours of information into an 8 hour day, which is not for the faint of heart. It also means my stored energy will be tapped out when I finish the day. But how exciting to see mothers and fathers to be find out new and interesting information about labour, birth and the newborn that they will be meeting soon. Joy in the journey.
An extension of my passion for birth is my passion for doing a great job as a parent. I see examples of this now in my own home as my daughter does such an amazing job with her own child. today, there was a welcome made for the youngest of 5 children. We made sure he knew how to breastfeed well before he made the journey home to his family, where he is already loved. More examples of that ability to be a good parent show up in another daughter's patient teaching with her nephew. I know that as my children meet their own children, they will each have such strengths to contribute to family life. For this knowledge, I consider that they will remember the values they have been raised with, that life is a gift that is not to be squandered, to be invested in at every juncture, every opportunity. My children who are now adults each have their own strengths, contributions that are being felt as they moved into life-long relationships, make decisions that they will have to account for rather than ask someone else to. I watch this with a smile in my heart, where the joy runs deeply.
I count it all joy--and am grateful!


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