Good Meals, Good Friends, Good Company

Program days leave me pretty much wiped out. Today, participants made and canned salsa. Lots of laughing and learning together. The together part is the fun! A kitchen full of laughter helps good digestion, of this I am sure! Good news of new babies, new pregnancies, new homes, new skills learned, so much new to celebrate. I do love Thursdays.
Coming home today, my lovely momma-daughter blessed me with a delicious dinner made. Spaghetti squash with her fantastic sauce, always a treat. Last night we celebrated with a friend who has been away on a sailing ship for a year. She spent some time in Ireland as well, so celebrated our journey with us, just as we were thrilled to hear of her tales and adventures. Dinner together with pasta and creamy seafood sauce, corn on the cob, salad and dessert of ice cream, it felt like a fine evening of enjoying each others' company, very nice for a Wednesday.
For me, celebrations and food are so intertwined, so closely connected. Hearts pour out over a meal, feelings are healed over coffee, dreams are spoken over long desserts. We think of life's big events in the context of meals, events such as weddings, Christmas, anniversaries, birthdays, so many times when we get together, the food being as much a part of the celebration as the event itself.
I have been considering how I eat, considering changing some of my habits, trading some old in for some new. This is always difficult, habits become so much part of our fabric, part of how we are woven together. But I find, too, that I am always rewarded with great results, when I choose new habits that are good for me.
I would love to know about habits that are new to you? Tell me about how you have changed something that you thought was part of your very fabric.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to choose, to have free will, to make some new from some old. Whether choosing friends, choosing habits or choosing life, I am so grateful.


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