
It's late. I am avoiding chores. I am being seduced once again by the light of my computer. I have done a number of little things today and am pleased by my solitary process, but keep on being drawn in. My man is away for an overnight reconnaissance trip with his brother, to set up their hunting trip. I have two days to myself and a small list of things to keep me quite occupied until he returns. What I do not have is anyone expecting anything of me, no time table, no schedule of events, no meals to make or people to take care of. And you know what? That is working!!
I spent part of the afternoon having coffee with a friend. Friends put life into perspective just when you think something is off kilter. It helps to hear from someone else just what makes life work well.
Part of this day was spent in discovery of a large number of things under the stairs. Do you have a space like that, one that spells its name in italics?? Words that you don't care to say often? For me, this chore is one that needs to be done, some serious cleaning and organizing, but is also one that I avoid! It is simply one that takes a long time to complete, so I don't take it on often. Because of its location, things are placed there and removed from there with complete abandon--no one really caring about how it looks. It gets dirty, stays out of the way and is ignored by me until....well, a time like this! My man needed to find a sleeping bag. That is where they are. However, he could not find it at all! While he was in there, he found all manner of other items, some not so savoury at all. That is what comes of ignoring a task for too long! So, I encouraged him to pull EVERYTHING out of there, knowing he would be gone for a couple of days, giving me time to go through everything, sort out necessities from junk and replace things in an organized manner. Silly me! So, here I am after 10 at night, task not completed and me avoiding it until tomorrow. To be honest, I need some tools to take something apart and decided not to go out to the shop in the pouring rain tonight. It is COLD out there! But I do have a clean kitchen, a clean bathroom and a plan for tomorrow. Saturday is my default cleaning day anyhow. Try as I might, it ends up always being Saturday, even when I think that another day would do just as well. Forty years of habit, I think. So, tomorrow, I will find the tools I need, get to work on under the stairs and find some satisfaction is a necessary job taken care of. By the way, the sleeping bag was finally found AFTER everything was removed from that space. Thank goodness, because it was 1C this morning in the nearest town to where they are camping!
Complain about my house being cold? Naw, I have a duvet covered bed and a warm heart. That should do! And gratitude for what we have here, thankfulness in my heart.


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