
We have been home for over a week. Jetlag has died down and life is getting back to 'normal' whatever that is. I am riding on my man's holidays some, glad that he is a teacher and still has another 3+ weeks of holiday time left. No rush to end what has been one of our most enjoyable summers. Many have asked if I would go to Ireland again and I would say most emphatically yes!!
I mean, look at this place!! Some who know me well have not seen me looking this relaxed in quite some time!!
But life goes on, like I was well reminded today! I met with a new mother to be. Have I ever mentioned before how much I love what I do? Getting to know someone, her wishes and desires for her birth day and how I can be used in it. Talking about what matters most on what could arguably be one of the most life-changing days of a woman's life--and being an intimate part of it. It is such a gift to me to be part of it, time spent watching a miracle unfold, the full drama of life. I don't take it lightly!
So, I am grateful for the holiday. My dear man has put 52 pages of summarized pictures together out of the more than 2000 he snapped.  He has also written a summary of our whole trip, a page or two of significant memories of our time. He has labelled it "An Adventure of the Heart". For this, for life, for an opportunity to share it with him and now for the new life I am about to be part of, once again, I am so very grateful.


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