Cruzin Along

We have decided to downsize. We have less kids at home. Well, until tomorrow, when one more comes back home. Then again, there is the other that comes back on Wednesday too, with friends. I am glad that when I choose to downsize, that it has not yet hit my grocery shopping. or my meal making.
With the choice to downsize comes the conscious choice to look at how we spend money, how we use what has been given to us. We decided that one thing would be to use less fuel, use cheaper fuel and to make smaller car payments. This is what we decided to replace my vehicle with:

A small sedan, sensible yet sporty. I think I am not yet ready to be truly grown up. I do have to say, my man is equally pleased. Neither of us were comfortable anymore in my old car. It was hard on our aging hips--and for the man who has serious back troubles, it hurt to sit in the seat for any length of time. So, we have downsized.
Thinking of this, wondering how it applies to all of my decisions, it makes me mindful of the fact that I have to be a wise steward of what has been granted to me. Whether that means the size of house we have, the size of meal I make, the amount of groceries I buy or simply how I budget my time, I want to make sure I don't take anything for granted. A lovely friend was recently in Africa, visiting a school for girls. It is her story, but I will say this, going to a place like that sometimes makes us embarrassed for how much we have, how much we use. I want to measure every day in that way. Not to be falsely humble, but to sincerely use what I need and be grateful for it.
I am also thankful for doctors and nurses, those who can make a person well, save a baby's life or make it a better life simply through their care. Today, I was made mindful of that in more than one way once again. This mystery, life, is one to be grateful for each and every day and I can say truly, I am.


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