In Everything Give Thanks

Rough day. Rough weekend, tough stuff to manage. But we know that He Who began a good work in us will complete it too--and I know I must disappoint Him often enough. So, I will continue to bear up. I will find a place of quiet rest, a place of refuge in My God. And I will know peace.
~the scent of wild rose freshening in my window
~the colours of wild flowers, shades of red and pink, blue and purple and white, orange and yellow in luscious greenery
~reminders of honesty, to be honest and careful with my word, to stand behind it
~plans and places, dreams becoming reality as we plan for our trip of a lifetime (half a century at least!!)
~knowing that truth is stronger than fiction and that lies will not stand under careful scrutiny
~offers of friendship and care from without and within
~Easy Cheesy Chowder to warm the soul after a day that wrings me out
~celebrations big and small, the important things to us and those important to us
~life passages- graduations, completions, birthdays and special days of honour
~friends who don't disappoint
On this day, listening to lovely music, sharing sweet messages and giving thanks will be what I cling to. And I am grateful


  1. Sorry you are having a tough time right now! Hang in there! What a blessing it is that you are looking to the LORD for your comfort. Thank you for your sweet comment in blessed my heart. :) A trip?? Are you going to share where you are going? And yes, in spite of the fact that it's the beginning of summer...that chowder sounds super good!

    Many blessings,
    (Psalm 46)


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