Every Good and Perfect Gift

As I opened my email box this morning, I was reminded again that a weary heart is strengthened by praise for its Maker. Confidence grows in gratitude and I am humbled. The crest of last week's wave is receding quickly into the blue and I am left with a wet shoreline, a reminder of what was but only a hint. Sadness creeps in for the next wave coming, the one that brings sadness rather than gladness and I want to retreat, to run from the wave, scared to get wet. But I know that when I put on the cloak of righteousness, the oil of joy for mourning and a song of praise, my spirit will be lifted up and I will once again find the strength to face the day, the uncertainty before me.

june gratitude list
After reading today's blog from A Holy Experience I was reminded to count every good and perfect gift. In fact, I may count some gifts I find neither good nor perfect, but challenges that have been placed before me, to lay at the foot of the Cross.
~new life, in triplicate
~wildflowers in purple and orange, white and blue; columbine, vetch, lilac and sweet sweet perfume.
~a lovely breezy day to walk in, listening to the chimes softly sounding.
~making memories with my precious grandson
~prayer of protection, to know that God is faithful!
~a phone call to bring the very far very near, plans and dreams, hopes and wishes coming to life
~my children, gifts and a heritage of the LORD, given to us to raise, nurture and grow in the knowledge of Him
~good food, good family, good home, lots of love! Good friends, good plans, good support.
We will make it thought this day, through this week and through this tough time. But we have lessons to learn, lots to think about and will ask kindly for your prayers.
In all of this, we remember that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Challenges in life are important and strengthen our roots. I am thankful that we don't have to do it alone!


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