Super Sunday

Family. Most of my kids are home, bringing with them various and sundry significant friends. I like my kids' choices! They know how to pick them! Brunch will happen soon--crepes and fruit, everyone's favourite, thanks to my lovely Heidi-friend's delish recipe. It's so yummy, it is on the menu for this week at work! But tonight, the piece- de- resistance. My chef-girl and her man are making pasta and seafood. Don't you wish you were here?
I guess we are, in some way, celebrating Mothers' Day. For me, every day I can have family around is Mothers' Day! Last year, I was not sure I would see another Mothers' Day. I had just come home from a week in isolation in the hospital. My white blood cell count had gotten as close to zero as is possible without actually being dead. So, I am rejoicing in this year!!
This morning, we sat around and drank coffee, talking about how women are being mislead by magazines and marketing. It got me thinking once again about the remarkable design of women's bodies, how true feminism would be to believe that, while we are equals, we are definitely not the same! I am so thankful that I am different! I take glory in our remarkable design, that which is designed to use the womb that makes us wo-man! And each of us is so unique, so different and individual, fearfully and wonderfully made!
With this in mind, I am once again reminded of all those who have been the fruit of my womb. One is unable to join us, but the rest are here and I will enjoy this day! I am delighted by my children, my family! My heart is glad for this day and I will continue to be so grateful!


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