Grandson Time

Sorry to those of you who were unable to read yesterday's post. It was largely a tribute to my lover of 30 years. I have changed the background and layout of my blog, so hopefully this fixes the issue.
Today, I have the awesome privilege of spending time with my favourite little man. He is 3. He is full of questions and is interested in EVERYTHING! The world is an exciting place and it is a blessing to me to spend time with him. We have played games, matched shapes, counted lots, talked about food choices, gone grocery shopping and even visited a friend. He is a joy to be around. He plays nicely in the living room while I put away groceries, enjoying just being together. A little voice calls, "Nana?? Nana??" "Yes?" " I love you, Nana. I love you bunches and tonnes!" Wouldn't that just melt your heart? Right now, he is scrambling onto my lap, because he is just a little cold. I don't mind sharing my warmth, not one little bit! I hope he is not getting sick, but that, too, is the life of a three year old.
Today's gifts are all around, but in taking the Joy Dare, I am challenged to find a gift in losing something, in finding something and in making something.
~since the beginning of January, I have been trying to keep my eating in check, so have lost about 10 lbs; I can acknowledge the joy in that!
~today I found that in talking things over with a mother-to-be, we found she has the answers within to help her accomplish what she wishes for the birth of her next child
~a gift in making something? I will make dinner for my family, something they enjoy--chicken with roasted vegetables. I just love feeding people!
This post will be done now, I need to go play with my sweet grandson. I enjoy this time with him and want to make the most of every minute? What should we do next?


  1. How precious to have those special times with your little man! It does sound as though you enjoy him immensely! What a blessing for you both. :)

    And Yippee for that 10 lb weight loss!!! Way to go!! I'm trying to lose the Christmas's slow going. :(

    Blessings to you!


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