
I have been offline for a week. No complaints, it is often a bit of a time waster! But I have been contemplating the power of communication during this "time out". I have a friend in Pakistan right now and, with the push of a key or two, we can connect with live feed video-conferencing technology. A bit of a miracle! But the computer is necessary. With the clicking of a few keys, we can stay in touch with hundreds of 'friends' at a time.
Communication seems to also be complex. Connecting via written word can cause misunderstanding and hurt, outrage and offence. People draw conclusions from perception, not a favourable way towards relationship building. We need to rely on our knowledge of the person with whom we are communicating, their character and personality, strength of relationship and characterisation of the same. Both through written word and spoken, this holds true.
When I practice my craft, my calling, I need to rely on strong communication skills. Understanding body language and words unspoken is important and only done well through the strength of a relationship built. I need to rely on my own knowledge base and skill set as applied to each individual situation or birth. When I am teaching Childbirth Classes, the same applies. I need to 'read' my students and understand their needs, both spoken and implied. This is true with one-on-one work and in every day life. Relationships, the strength of them, is what makes solid communication, hands down, every time!
Most intimate to me is my spiritual life. My relationship with my Creator, my Redeemer and Friend, is at the source of who I am. My communication with Him is a source of strength, a source of comfort and of purpose.

{Can it be that God will actually move into our neighborhood? Why, the cosmos itself isn't large enough to give you breathing room, let alone this Temple I've built. Even so, I'm bold to ask: Pay attention to these my prayers, both intercessory and personal, O God, my God. Listen to my prayers, energetic and devout, that I'm setting before you right now. Keep your eyes open to this Temple night and day, this place of which you said, "My Name will be honored there," and listen to the prayers that I pray at this place.
      Listen from your home in heaven and when you hear, forgive.
   When someone hurts a neighbor and promises to make things right, and then comes and repeats the promise before your Altar in this Temple, listen from heaven and act accordingly: Judge your servants, making the offender pay for his offense and setting the offended free of any charges.

Solomon's temple was a breath-taking structure, yet he realized that even this magnificent building could not hold the uncontainable God. In awe Solomon acknowledged that not even the highest heaven could contain God. Even though God can't be contained by a building, he is always accessible. Nothing can restrain him from hearing the prayers of his people.
You don't have to go to a church, a chapel or a prayer room to pray to God. He does not limit your prayers to certain places or particular times. He is uncontainable. Wherever you go, he's there. Whatever you say, he's listening. When you cry out, he'll answer.}

I read this set of verses from 1 Kings 8 and the devotional thoughts that followed this morning. Once again, I was struck by how simple communication is with God. The Almighty God is waiting to spend time with us, to hear us and acknowledge us because He knows us. On the strength of the relationship built, we have access to Him at all times. I simply open my heart in prayer and open His Word to understand His character and Who He is.
So, I am glad to have my communication back--through internet and otherwise. I will continue to work on being a better communicator with others, to hone those skills. While doing this, I will search my own motives and purpose to strengthen my character so that others will understand what they see and hear.
And most of all, I will continue to be grateful for this God Who knows my name!


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