Bright and Clear

The day is bright and sunny. For February, it holds promise, hope. Every day should hold some promise, some hope! Part of today's hope is for time with a friend tomorrow, enjoying the break in the winter. We will, I am sure, take delight in the brightness, the outdoor gift that we have living in this place. We will see the strength of the mountain, the uniqueness of crystalline snow. The river may have some open spots, showing the deep green coldness below. And the day will hold promise, hope.

We have started another busy week. Family has gone home, gone to work and school. Life is back to some form of normal. And I am back to busy, back to work, back to making sure my priorities stay straight. And that is so hard to do! I have been following A Holy Experience and have been dared to find joy in every day. Today, the dare was in finding 3 gifts outside, not a difficulty for a day like today!

~gleaming drops of water, shining with sunlight
~ice over gravel, glistening
~blue--so very blue--sky!

Much of my day was spent catching up on housework, catching up after lots of visiting, lots of family time over the last 10 days. It is so hard to want to clean when the more important thing is to visit, to savour the moments. We ate together, laughed and played together, enjoyed that little boy and the company of friends.

Yesterday, a long walk with a friend who shares my passions gave me a fresh start, a fresh opportunity to take joy in the week ahead. Spending the evening with my hunny, enjoying a movie and time alone together was the perfect end to the day. 

So today, a long talk with favourite sister in love reminded me that the joy is something to spread. Time is a gift we should all give freely, a gift given to us and multiplied when we add blessing to it. As she grieves loss, counts blessings and finds her way in each day, the time spent in discussion, listening ear and broad shoulders at use, I realize how much the gift of time blesses both. When there are no words, simply 'being' is a gift in itself. My family is a priority and I need to take that time each day for connection, for the moments. The gift is that as I invest in those relationships, my investment becomes the blessing back to me!

My family, my joy. I have so much, so very much and for that, I am grateful!


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