
In the world of doulas and childbirth educators, attachment is a very important concept. The significance of attachment is researched and analysed, written about and debated. Over the years I have come to know s much abut attachment theory and its importance on human development and relationships. We all yearn to belong. It is as simple and complex as that! A healthy conception and gestation support good attachment, as does positive birthing outcomes and breastfeeding. All of these are referenced in terms of healthy attachment. We also know that healthy relationships foster healthy attachment.
I have shared my passion for all things birth. The more I learn, the more I want to know! In my last post---April 1 2012?!!-- I mentioned being encouraged to become a Birth Doula Trainer. Since that post, I have attended 3 more births, taught twelve more prenatal classes working on becoming a Birth Doula Trainer! I have jumped through most of the hoops and, as far as I understand, simply have my curriculum to write. Not that curriculum development is simple, but that it is one of the last steps. It is exciting and I have the best mentor ever!
But it has had me thinking.
Birth. Being raised up
Family. Character development and personality
I love going on long walks. They give me a chance to ponder and reflect, to think, to wonder and to be grateful. Today my long walk had me thinking again about my attachments. You know that list we make when we are asked to describe ourselves?
Mine has these elements:
Child of God
mother and nana
sister  (in law)
doula- witness to miracles
facilitator- parenting classes
idea generator
committee member
research partner
breastfeeding advocate
normal birth advocate
women's health advocate
kind and considerate
seated in the heavens
joint heir with Jesus
loved by God

I think this list could go on and on. It is important to reflect on from time to time, to take stock and think about who and where and how you belong. We know attachment is highly valued in someone's life--and that belonging is one of the most important attributes. It is important for neonatal development, for children as they grow and is most commonly noted in it's absence in children of orphanages overseas, where development is stunted by its lack.
Where are your strongest attachments? What are you most grateful for? Have you considered the importance of this in your own life?
For me, I am very grateful for this list--and the fact that this is only a short portion of a very long list of how I belong!


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