
Showing posts from 2018

Fresh and New-rished

I love new- new possibilities, new years, new plans, new intentions. I have an intention for this year, to pay attention to being NOURISHED. Being constantly replenished is what our bodies do continually, right down at the cellular level. Every day, drinking water takes toxins out, eating foods nourishes our bodies and creates the means for renewal at the cellular level. Our physical demands make use of what we eat, our energy and actions built on the blocks we create through our food and food choices. I have been thinking quite a bit about how I want to age. I am now a senior in some circles, since I am over 55- and that means I need a different type of nourishment. My brain could be slowing down, my joints and muscles may need more support, my reproductive system has quit reproducing, my eyesight is changing- all of these need to be replenished and nourished! How do I go about aging gracefully? A few years back I decided I would try to use as few chemicals as possible, both in my ...


A blank page. A busy mind. Burning issues, fingers itching to type-- all good so far! What I CAN'T believe is that I haven't posted for over 3 years. SO MUCH--so very very much-- has happened in that time! When I last posted, I have two grandchildren. Now I have six! When I last posted, I lived in Hazelton. We then moved to Stewart, sold our FAMILY home, moved back to Hazelton and now? We live in Kitwanga! KITWANGA! We lived here in 1986--and here we have come, a circle we never thought we would close! But what is burning, what is making my mind busy? I am becoming. One thing I never understood when I was young is, I would continue to 'become'. As I 'mature' (read: age) I find myself finding a focus. A narrowing of field, broadening of mind, deepening of understanding. I like who I am becoming! Sadly, it took over 55 years to LIKE myself, though that in itself is part of that 'becoming', too. Wisdom Years: quite the title. Since I have had white hair ...